Enrollment Requirements

Required Registration Documents:

The following items will need to be uploaded during the Aeries Online Enrollment process:

  1. Immunization Records (see below)
  2. Proof of Age: Birth certificate/Passport/Baptismal Certificate/Affidavit of Age
  3. Proof of Residency (see below)
Evidence of residency may be established by documentation showing the name and address of the parent/guardian within the district, including, but not limited to, three items from the following: 
  • Property tax payment receipt
  • Rental property contract, statement, or payment receipt
  • Utility service contract, statement, or payment receipt
  • If the student is residing in the home of a caregiving adult within district boundaries, an affidavit executed by the caregiving adult in accordance with Family Code 6552.
  • Property tax payment receipt, rental property contract, statement or payment receipts, utility service contract, statement or payment receipt, any government documentation issued within six months
If you are unable to upload documents you can:
  • Email documents to the school site general email which can be found at the bottom of your child's school website.
  • Fax to the school office
  • Click on the blue link for a list of the emails and fax numbers by school site (here) or parents can visit their child’s incoming school website homepage and scroll to the bottom of the page. 
  • Please contact your child's school regarding the ability to drop off hard copies.
If the proof of residency documents are not in your name or if you do not have access to upload documents please email your school site general info line or call the office number and include the details about your situation and your child's name, incoming grade level.  
Upon completion of online enrollment, you must go to the school site to complete the process. You will be required to show identification and sign an affidavit of residency. 

Kindergarten Registration:

State law requires that children be 5 years of age on or before September 1st in order to enter kindergarten. Children born between September 2nd and April 2nd are eligible for Transitional Kindergarten (TK). Please see the Transitional Kindergarten enrollment page for information about this program.

The registration period for kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school begins on January 27th, 2025.

Although you may register your child at any time beginning January 27th, until the school closes for the summer, it is highly recommended that you register your child as soon as possible as the classes fill up rapidly and we must determine whether additional staff will need to be hired.

The parent or guardian of a child must present proof of immunizations and age before a student will be admitted to the school. Proof of age may be in the form of a birth certificate, baptismal certificate or passport. 

Additional Forms
Student Starting 7th Grade Need:
  • Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis (Tdap) - 1 dose
  • Varicella (Chickenpox) - 2 doses

In addition, the TK/K-12 immunization requirements apply to 7th graders who:

  • previously had a valid personal beliefs exemption filed before 2016 upon entry between TK/Kindergarten and 6th grade
  • are new admissions