Board of Education

On behalf of the East Whittier City School District Board of Education, we welcome you to our district website. We hope that the information contained within will assist you in better understanding our district. Providing a quality educational program and creating a positive climate for two-way communication for our community members are paramount to the board members, the administration, and the staff.


Our role as board members is to act both as leaders and as bridges between the local community and the professional experts who manage our schools. We all live in this community and most of us are parents of children who are either in the district schools currently or have come through the EWCSD schools in the past. The Board adopts an annual budget and approves all expenditures; establishes district policy; approves curriculum, textbooks, and courses of study; makes decisions on school sites, building plans and construction contracts, among numerous other duties. Our meetings are open to the public, and we encourage you to attend whenever you wish.


East Whittier City School District Board of Education

chacon kennedy
Christine Chacon Kennedy
Vice President
Lisa Michelle Dabbs
Armando Urteaga
Carlos Aparicio
Wendy Carrera
Student Board Member
Brooke Hernandez
Dr. Marc Patterson