Mrs. Lisa Michelle Dabbs - Vice President
Mrs. Dabbs was first elected to the Board of Education in 2018 and is currently serving in her second term.
Lisa and her husband are parents of two adult sons, and have lived in Whittier for over 23 years. She is a small business owner in the community and serves as the CEO of Dabbs Design and Development, Inc a building and construction company.
Lisa is a former educator and social media consultant with an extensive education background. She holds a BA in Child Development and an M.Ed in Educational Administration and has worked as a school principal, federal project director, and teacher. She's also an Award-Winning blogger having written for a number of publications including, Huffington Post, Education Week, Smart Brief Education and Lisa is an internationally recognized leader in the field of New Teacher development, and the founder of New Teacher Chat #ntchat on Twitter. As a published author with Corwin Publishing, Lisa’s book "Standing in the Gap: Empowering New Teachers Through Connected Resources" is part of Corwins Connected Educator Series and is used as a text in universities across the country.
Lisa is active in her community and has served on the City of Whittier Library Board, Hispanic Outreach Taskforce, and as the Vice President of the Whittier Area Literacy Council. She currently serves on the Digital 4 Good (#ICANHELP) non profit board and is a LA County Commissioner for Human Relations.
Lisa is honored to serve as a Trustee on the board. She believes that every child deserves to have a high-quality education and will use her knowledge and experiences as a foundation for decision making and advocacy that will benefit all the students, staff and school communities of the East Whittier City School District.