Bond Measures R & Z - Your Tax Dollars at Work

Measure R and Measure Z Independent Citizens Oversight Committee (COC)
Committee Members


Business Representative: Joseph Dzidrums
Senior Citizen Group Representative: Estela M. Rivera
Parent or Guardian of Child Enrolled in District: Patricia Pocock
Parent or Guardian of Child Enrolled in District: Jason Zuhlke, Vice Chairperson
Parent or Guardian of Child Enrolled in District And Active in a Parent-Teacher Organization: Henry Apodaca
At-Large Community Member: Cathy Warner, Chairperson
At-Large Community Member: Paul Gardiner
At-Large Community Member: Vickie Roy
At-Large Community Member: Emily Hanna
Taxpayer Organization Member: Open, application still being accepted.  If interested, complete application below and contact the Business Office at (562) 907-5967.
East Whittier Middle School
Granada Middle School
Laurel Elementary
A short video showcasing La Colima's new kindergarten playground.
La Colima Elementary
Mulberry Elementary
Orchard Dale Elementary
Ocean View Elementary
Scott Ave. Elementary
Ceres Elementary
Hillview Middle School
Leffingwell Elementary